Jamie Matthews
Ivor Peters
Andrew Canter
Steve Cox
Alan Rich
Jayne Barr
Rob Lawerence
Don Cowley
The whole point of this talk was for the student at BNU (Bucks New University) to ask questions to people that are in the industry already.
The first question was based upon the recession and how it will impact on the clients and how it will effect the amount of PR being used. Allan Rich was the person who firstly answered this question and he firmly believes that a well run business will get through any recession as long as it is accountable and has researched well enough into what the target audience needs. He also commented on that during a recession you focus on the brand that are more likely to survive the recession, they become your key priority. He also added that no matter how hard you work the key to success in this business is to have lots and I mean lots of enthusiasm.
Next the pannel was asked is their still discrimination and tendencies for people to go towards oxbrige students the anwsers that were given were as followed….
Jayne - explained that although there is a problem in advertising comms as a whole, employees are looking to solve the issue by looking for different qualities such as enthusiasm.
The final question was Does the agency need to tell the client their product should be fixed? And the feedback that was delivered was….
Ivor - described that yes, the advertising agency acts as business advisore and he stressed the fact that 'You are only as good as your last campaign.'
After the panel we were then given a second talk that was lead by ex students that attended bucks new university.
From the go there was a big emphasis on the importance of digital technology and how it is used in their daily lives. They also recommended that you learn as much as you can about the use of digital media as that is the way the industry is going.

The final talk was called 'The world's a complex place' and the speech was led by the group business director of JWT, Tom Vicks. One of his ideas is that the use of mobile phones will have an increasing role in advertising, his idea of advertising is..."take money and make it into more money." he also said that he believed that the 30 second advert is almost dead and buried because of the increase in digital comms which relates to what was said by the ex students
Tom Vicks predictions for the future…

Return to full service agencies
The mergance of account planning along with channel planning
Increase in global outsourcing
No digital/advertising agencies
Greater focus on cost, efficiency and profit
The emergence of mobile
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