Every one of us are part of a generation and being part of a generation may effect the way we act, and if the marketers know how we will react to certain things this can help them advertise to each generation effectively because they already know what our overall reaction might be.
The generations
Millennial’s - Born after 1980
Generation X - Born between 1965 and 1980
Baby Boomers - Born between 1946 and 1964
Mature citizens - Born between 1909 and 1945
No matter how old you get you never change what generation you are from, the generations are not dependant upon age so no matter how old I become I will always be a millennial.
Population chart

From the population chart you can see the overall reasons on why the baby boomers were given that name. from the chart you can see that there are lower birth rates which is leading to lack of children. There are now plenty of people aged 30+ this is due to the fact that these are the children of the baby boomers generation. Also from the graph you can see that there are fewer people around from the baby boomer generation still this was due to the huge death rates from the war which left us with a smaller population, this explains why there are less older people that are aged 80+
Looking more closely we found that the baby boomer generation is the largest generation audience whit around 47 million world wide. This is good for marketers to know because they can look at their values and then learn how they think and then tailor their advertising to meet their needs.
here are two adverts advertising to different generations
When looking at some basic values that the generation X’s share we found out that they liked to be practical and they are politically correct and they were the first generation to prefer a friend over family. We also found that when advertising to the generation X’s it is good if you use nostalgia because it gets them thinking back to when they were younger and they long to go back there. An example of a company that the generation X’s like and still but is levis this is because when they grew up the label was around then and they probably had a pair of jeans this is good for levis because they have long term customer loyalty however it makes it then un-cool for the next generation I.e. you wouldn’t want to be seen in your dads jeans. This then presents a problem because they then have to find a way to make levis cool for the next generation and they did this by using the advert below.
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