Sunday, 3 May 2009

Social class

In today’s lesson we looked at social class, one way in which social class is defined is.... being a Status hierarchy in which individuals and groups are classified on the basis of esteem and prestige acquired mainly through economic success and accumulation of wealth. (business dictionary 2008) Four common social classes (in their descending order) are Upper class Middle class, Working class and Lower class.
Changes have occurred since the social categorise were introduced, the reason in why the changes may have occurred are… welfare state being introduced, social mobility which enables People to move up and down in the social class ranks. Education is another reason because people tend to be more educated as it is more widely available. The final factor would be the change in our main industry, no longer is it manufacturing goods it has changed to become a service industry.

The diagram below shows the changes in social mobility from the turn of the century to modern today
As you can see from the diagram Britain’s social class structure consists of…
upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, skilled working class, working class and lower class these are also referred to as A, B, C1, C2, D and E. because the course I am on it is required for us to know how to advertise to these different classes and I am going to give a demonstration on how they may differ.

Harrod’s sale (upper-class)

The Harrod’s advert is targeted for the upper class. We can tell this by analysing the advert. The advert consists of high end products, the advert is in black and white and the music that accompanies it is opera music which you associate with people from the upper-class.

The sun advert

The Sun (working class)

This advert target the working class you can tell this because the advert show a whole variety of people, also the actual advert takes place in a park which is assessable to everyone there are no boundaries it is assessable to everyone.

a commical view on the social class system

As you can see social class is a good why to segment people because it helps us know how to advertise to them as we can see what sort of adverts grab there attention and this helps us when it comes to advertising specific products because we would know what social group is most likely to purchase it.

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